Maug Moulach Small Batch Winery, Atlanta Georgia


Maug Moulach Small Batch Winery
Metro Atlanta, Georgia (Forsyth County)

Maug Moulach is a small batch winery started by L.A. Wyatt who was trained by life-long Vinter Dave Butcher. L.A. Wyatt, along with Aaron Becker (and occasional members of our immediate circle), run periodic batches of wine under the label Maug Moulach. We've been in operation since 2018 and due to the small nature of our entity, do not produce enough wine to justify the costs of distributing. Instead, we produce only to enjoy it ourselves. After years of production, we've decided to bring the experience of winemaking to aspiring home Vinters across Metro Atlanta!

The Name

Now for the odd name, Maug Moulach is a Scottish Highland Brownie (or house spirit) who also went by "Hairy Meg" or "The Maid with the Hairy Arms". Maybe the name was chosen due to our shared resemblance (hopefully not), or maybe it was merely to share a good story while drinking a glass of wine. Regardless, there are various legends of her existence. To share one of our favorites:

"A folktale mentions a certain Fincastle Mill where none dare go for fear of the brownies said to protect the mill from trespassers. One night, a girl went up to the mill as she did not have enough flour for her wedding cake. Because the miller has already left, she snuck in to grind the flour herself. She put on a pot of water to boil as she began grinding the meal. The dobie who guarded the mill, Brownie-Clod, heard the commotion and found the audacious maiden hard at work. Keeping his distance, he asked for her name and the quick girl replied, "Oh, I'm Mise mi fein" which means "Oh, I am me myself". He again asked for her name, but again she said "Mi fein". As he approached her, she threw boiling water at him. He fled to his mother, Maggy Moulach, who asks who wounded him. Fatally burned by the boiling water, he gasps out "Me fein" (Me Myself) as he was told. Maggy later finds out the trickery of the girl as she regularly brags to her friends of how she outsmarted a brownie. Maggy overhears the girl one day while walking past her window and takes vengeance. She throws a stool with such force that it kills the girl dead on the spot." (source)

Our Experience

This hands-on course is for novices with little or no knowledge of winemaking who would like to learn the skills involved with producing your own small batch of wine at home. We will meet for 5 sessions (each will vary in time) over 4 to 8 weeks. During this time, you will learn about the equipment used, preparation, and engage directly in the wine-making process. At the end of our last session, we will celebrate our success with charcuterie, wine, and you will bring home the resulting batch from our time together. Take a look below for our current offerings.

Maug Moulach Label Wine


Beginner's Course for 1 - 2 Persons, $550
• Your choice of starter for 1 batch of wine (20 liters, about 26 standard bottles)

Beginner's Course for 3 - 4 Persons, $750
• Your choice of starter for 2 batches of wine (40 liters, about 52 standard bottles)

Event Course (Up to 4 Persons), $1000
• A special course which includes custom labeling in preparation for event catering (Weddings, Etc.)
• Your choice of starter for 2 batches of wine (40 liters, about 52 standard bottles)
• Contact us for pricing on additional batches

"I'm Here for the Wine" Course, Discounted Base Price, Optional Tapas and Wine served
• For those who want less guidance or prefers to chat and enjoy themselves
• Choose a base package above, we will discount the price, then optionally add tapas and/or wine
• Contact us for pricing

to get started!

© 2024 - Maug Moulach Small Batch Winery